Friday, July 08, 2011

Schaeffer: moment by moment faith in Christ for life

So what is needed is the knowledge of the meaning of the work of Christ in our present life, for our present life, and then for us to act upon it in faith.

However, we may know the doctrine by mental assent without making the doctrine ours, and that is the other reason we do not bring forth the fruit we should.  In the last analysis it is never doctrine alone that is important.  It is always doctrine appropriated that counts...

If we are Christians, we have understood and acted upon the finished work of Christ once for all at our justification, and our guilt is gone forever.  Now let us understand and act upon the practice of that same work moment by moment in our present lives...

So we must believe God's promises at this one moment in which we are.  Consequently in believing God's promises we apply them - the present meaning of the work of Christ for the Christian - for and in this one moment.  If you only can see that, everything changes.  As we believe God for this moment, the Holy Spirit is not quenched.  And through His agency, the risen and glorified Christ, as the Bridegroom of the bride, the Vine, brings forth His fruit through us at this moment.  This is the practice of active passivity.  And it is the only way anybody can live;  there is no other way to live but moment by moment.

TS, pp76-77.

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