Friday, May 04, 2012

Susan Hill: children's books

Since our children's books were first bought, fiction for young readers has become more and more issue-led.  Divorce, step-parents, drugs, alcohol, early sex, knife-crime, foster-care, child-abuse,unemployment, gang warfare, AIDS, terminal name it, there is a novel for children about it.  But all children are anxious, adult life contains much that is ugly and unhappy, unpleasant or downright bad.  Why introduce them to that too early, through books , which can be such a force for enjoyment, imaginative enrichment, fun, excitement, adventure, magic?   Realism comes home soon enough and many children have too much anguish to cope with in their everyday lives as it is.  Their books can be one corner of their life that remains untainted by the troubles brought upon their heads by unthinking, unloving adults.  I am glad mine remained ignorant of much that is polluted, cruel, ugly, hurtful, wrong as long as possible (which is not, after all, very long, in the scheme of things) and that their books were wholesome, enriching, enlivening, enjoyable, lovable and for the most part, were about worlds into which they could happily innocently escape.

Susuan Hill,  Howards End is on the Landing, p196-7

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