Tuesday, May 01, 2012

However you feel in the morning, get up...

In John14:15 Jesus says, "If you love me you will obey what I command."  So whenever we are in  a situation of pressure, we need to remember that obedience to God is, paradoxically, the way we find eventual freedom.  that was Jesus' own way.  "He learned obedience from what He suffered." (Heb 5:8)

It takes some time before we learn that obedience, involving sometimes painful personal decisions and sacrifice, is actually the way to freedom...it does work, every time.

Here's a spiritual health warning:  don't rely on your feelings.  Feelings matter, but they are as variable as the weather, and they are a very unreliable guide to the way things are are should be.  It is possible to wake up in the morning feeling glum and out of sorts.  Attitudes can quickly become hardened, and quite soon nothing will be expected to go right with the day.  Such is the power of our feelings to distort badly the actual reality in which we live.  The important matter is to rely on what you know, and persuade yourself with all your strength to do it.  Whatever you feel in the morning, get up and do everything in your power to make something positive of the day.

Michael Lawson, 'D' is for Depression, p117

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