Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Civil War 3 (providence)

Another interesting stress point concerned Providence. Not only were many on both sides claiming authority from the Bible, they also believed that God was involved in human affairs. This led to commentators and preachers from North and South interpreting events, battles, decisions etc within the context of what God was doing - and with a great deal of certainty too.

But as the war dragged on, fatalities increased, and deeper complexities became apparent, this certainty in providence also became an issue of weakness. Contradictory interpretations, hideous turns of event...and then even after the war, both sides interpreting the outcome as endorsing their view - either as total vindication, or as discipline on a sinful people.

In the midst of this, maybe it was natural to slide towards thinking the real resolution of the war was not God but force of arms, organisation and management, and industrial mobilisation? And so 20th century America?

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