Monday, October 25, 2010

CSL: nature emptied & filled

Just working on Ps.19 and remembered I'd read this last week, on how Christianity empties nature of gods...

But in another sense the same doctrine which empties Nature of her divinity also makes her an index, a symbol, a manifestation, of the Divine...[he then references Ps.19 & 36]...It is surely because the natural objects are no longer taken to be themselves divine that they can now be magnificent symbols of Divinity.  There is little point in comparing a sun-god with the Sun or Neptune with the great deep;  there is much in comparing the Law with the Sun or saying that God's judgements are an abyss and a mystery like the sea.

Reflections on the Psalms, p81

(I feel bound to note here, that this book of Lewis' is the least theologically helpful I have read (and I've read a lot) and is a reminder that we turn to Lewis not fir purity of theology but for brilliance of thought and expression)

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