Wednesday, October 27, 2010

#2 The Waiting

Well I had a bit of a disaster here, as I had forgotten this album which is, I think, a really great one.  However, I've decided to stay with what I had already chosen.

This is one of my favourite albums, but also I think probably the best Christian album I have.  Proper band who are Christians, who for the too few years they worked, did 200gigs a year.  Sadly, no more.  And in many ways subsequent albums never quite lived up to this one.

Anyway, what's so great about this?  Great ideas, themes pursued through, I think, great metaphors and poetry, a great sound ranging from delicate to grunge to folky to rock, and epic moments like Hands in the Air (which isn't about what the title suggests).  No cheese, no duff tracks.  Great stuff.

PS.  ooooooooooohhh!!!! ahhhhhhhhhh!  Looking for the image of their album cover I clicked a link and....THEY'RE BACK TOGETHER, new album next year!! AAAAAGAGHAHGHHHHHH!


minternational said...

What can I say, except this is the BEST album you've posted to date. I've really loved a number of them (much to my surprise....:) but this one takes the biscuit and it's definitely a double-choccie one at that.

I love the way it all sounds so natural - the combination of words and music in service of expressing genuine relationship with God. Not an ounce of cheese in sight - just honest, exuberant, humble Christian expression. It genuinely sounds like prayer, which is perhaps the highest praise I can give it.

So take a bow, Badger, you've made my day with this one, many times over.

The Masked Badger said...

I've died and gone to mid-life-crisis heaven!

minternational said...

Well, that's another good turn you've done me then......