Thursday, July 08, 2010

#7 New Way to be Human

From Minty's Ocean Boulevard to slightly further up the coast.

Well, I met them before they were famous (which I will remind anyone who gives me half a chance) - for about 22 seconds back in the 90s.  And this was their new album they were promoting - the one that brought them to wider notice, before making the jump to a mainstream label and the current 'big' status.

Switchfoot have developed through the years and their sound is a lot bigger and in some ways rougher these days.   But this is a great album and starts to reveal what lay ahead.

PS. "Have I won monopoly but forfeit my soul?" is one of my favourite lines (from Company Car)

1 comment:

minternational said...

I think I prefer their sound at this point to later work (from what I've sampled - clearly they diminished after meeting you....). This is really very good, I have to say - and witty, too. It's one of your best.

Take a bow, young man!