In a discussion with other pastor-types recently, the topic rolled around to the state of our souls. "I don't mean to whine," said one of us (who shall remain nameless, though I'm certain it wasn't I), "but I actually found it easier to pursue spiritual health when I was not in ministry." Almost everyone agreed: we felt hurried, overloaded, drained, and often taken for granted.
This wasn't the first conversation I'd heard along these lines. We often talk as if working at a church gets in the way of living the gracious, winsome life Jesus calls us to. After a while the question is bound to surface: What is happening when involvement in "ministry" seems to produce less spiritually vital people?
I had breakfast recently with a friend whose father has ministered in Christian circles for close to fifty years. His dad said to him recently, "Well, son, we'll have to get together soon, as soon as I can get my schedule under control." His son commented: "For all thirty-nine years of my life, my dad has talked about what we're going to do as soon as he gets his schedule under control. He actually seems to believe that someday his schedule will come under control. He refuses to talk about or even acknowledge the real reason why his schedule is out of control."
I remember a church-planting consultant who warned a group of us that we would need to pay the price if we wanted a successful church plant. We'd have to do whatever it took: let our marriages suffer, put our children on hold.
But it seemed to me then, and it does now, that this cannot be the way God intended ministry. If the purpose of ministry is to convince people to live the kind of life Jesus invites us to live, how can the church be built on people who give up living the kind of life Jesus invites us to live?
...If ministry is being done right, it will aid in having Christ formed in me. My involvement in ministry (using ministry in the narrow sense of service to the body of Christ) needs to be seen in light of an overall way of life designed to help me become transformed. If it is not doing this, something, somewhere, has gone wrong.
John Ortberg, Leadership email 23/1/07
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