Friday, September 25, 2015

The Old 1000th!! (and a lovely bit of Horton on law and gospel)

As always on these occasions, appreciation to Dickie Mint for getting me to get a blog (and half a dozen other tech things that apparently I would die if I did not have).  From July 2006 to September 2015 (9 years!?!) I have posted 1000 times.  A repository of wisdom and stuff (mostly by people who aren't me).  And here's a bit more:

But the law can do only what the law can do. The law can only tell us what God requires and thereby explode our sin and misery, and when we find our righteousness in the gospel, the law can tell us what a life of gratitude looks like. The law has that important function to fulfill. But the law never becomes the gospel. The law is always an imperative, a command. The gospel is always an indicative, an announcement of a state of affairs, telling us what God has done. We should not look to the law — either God’s or a task list we have made up for ourselves — for our identity. I use the example of a sailboat. The law can tell us where we are and if we are in trouble. But only the gospel is the wind in our sails.

Perman, Matthew Aaron; Perman, Matthew Aaron (2014-03-04). What's Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done (p. 121). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

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