Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mid life continues

Well, me and Minty have been having a nice time reliving our mispent youth and latter years in our blogs - and we see no reason to stop yet, especially as for me, I am (or will be in the next 20 hours) unequivocally off the waiting list.

So we thought we would do LP/Albums next!   Oh yes.  But we have encountered a problem:  we wanted to make sure anything we choose is on Spotify or the like, so we can inflict our key musical moments on each other and the rest of the world.  But, although Spotify does seem to be almost limitless, suddenly we find when pegging our turning-points, things are missing!   It does have limits! 

In order to do justice to the past, we felt we should do some posts on what isn't there but should be as well as the list that will include available online material.   So...well, indulge me - I'm on the turn this weekend...

Given that my musical interests were limited to a tape of Russian classical music, bits taped off the radio and a couple of (gulp) Shakin Stevens albums, in 1984 a bit of a revolution took place...

(more to follow once festivities ease...)

1 comment:

minternational said...

This bodes ill for mankind...