If we really want to help someone flourish, we have to help them in a way that fits their uniqueness.
Our great model for this is God himself, for he always knows just what each person needs.
He had Abraham take a walk,
Elijah take a nap,
Joshua take a lap,
Adam take the rap.
He gave Moses a 40-year timeout,
He gave David a harp and a dance,
He gave Paul a pen and a scroll.
He wrestled with Jacob,
argued with Job,
whispered to Elijah,
warned Cain,
and comforted Hagar.
He gave Aaron an altar,
Miriam a song,
Gideon a fleece,
Peter a name,
and Elisha a mantle.
Jesus was stern with the rich young ruler,
tender with the woman caught in adultery,
patient with the disciples,
blistering with the scribes,
gentle with the children,
and gracious with the thief on the cross.
God never grows two people the exact same way. God is a hand-crafter, not a mass-producer.
The problem many people face when it comes to spiritual
growth is that they listen to someone they think of as the expert—maybe
an author or radio personality—talk about what he does and they think
that's what they're supposed to do. When it doesn't work for them
(because they are a different person!) they feel guilty and inadequate,
and often give up.
God has a plan for the me he wants me to be. It will not
look exactly like his plan for anyone else, which means it will take
freedom and exploration for you to learn how God wants to grow you.
Spiritual growth is hand-crafted, not mass-produced. God does not do
John Ortberg, Leadership